Computer Science, The George Washington University, 1981. |
Professor Emeritus
of Computer Science, George Mason University
Director Emeritus, Center of Excellence in Command, Control, Communications,
Intelligence and Cyber (C4I and Cyber Center)
Past Director, Networking and Simulation Laboratory, C4I and Cyber Center
Fellow of the IEEE for "technical leadership in computing systems and
Elected Fellow of the ACM for "contributions to information technology in
transitioning the Internet from a Federal research project to commercial
availability, and development of Internet distance education technologies"
IEEE Harry Diamond Memorial Award for developments in networking for
distributed simulation
Licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia and West Virginia
Defense Superior Service Medal for "achievements in computer systems,
networking, and simulation"
on retirement from military service
Professor of Computer Science, George Mason University; also
Director C4I & Cyber Center from 2005.
Teach graduate and undergraduate courses in computer networking and networked
virtual environments; lead research teams in Web-based techniques for
interoperability of military command and control systems with simulations and
in multimedia networking including effective, affordable Internet distance
education. Principal Investigator in multiple, multi-organization/multi-year
projects in these areas. Projects include "Visible Embryo" project
(sponsored by Nation al Library of Medicine) by eight nationally-recognized
medical and information technology teams that demonstrated the feasibility of
advanced medical collaboration using visualization over high-performance
networks across the US; also the Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework
(XMSF) initiative (sponsored by Defense Modeling and Simulation Office) which
led to use of Web technologies for interoperation of military simulation and
C4I software systems; currently leader in Command
and Control – Simulation Interoperation (C2SIM) projects including
Extensible BML, Joint BML, geoBML, and NATO Coalition BML and related SISO
standards effort. Developed MIST/C
open-source synchronous Internet distance education software and used it to
provide online MS degree programs in Computer Science. Led C4I Center to
tenfold growth in project funding.
1992-2001: Associate Professor of Computer Science and Director, Networking and
Simulation Laboratory, George Mason University. Taught graduate and undergraduate
courses in computer networking; performed research in protocols for application
of high performance data networks, focus on network
and higher layers to be used for multicast interconnection of distributed
simulation. Active in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) work in
multicasting technologies; developed Selectively Reliable Multicast Protocol
specification and also a suite of models to simulate Quality of Service
protocols for the Internet, recognized as one of two top academic projects for
1997 by developers of the OPNET modeling system; served as Principal
Investigator leading an eight-member team of GMU faculty and subcontractors for
the DARPA Computer Assisted Education and Training Initiative (CAETI) and the
follow-on DoDEA Presidential Technology Initiative (PTI); 1995 recipient of
IEEE Harry Diamond Memorial Award for developments in networking for
distributed simulation. Developer of Network Workbench open source
network simulation/educational software. Author of Understanding
Internet Protocols. Served in 2000 as Vice President for Technology Policy
Activities of IEEE-USA and in 2001 as General Chair of IEEE Distributed
Simulation and Real time Applications Workshop. Elected Fellow of the ACM,
2001, for "contributions to information technology in transitioning the
Internet from a Federal research project to commercial availability, and
development of Internet distance education technologies."
Program Director, Distributed Simulation, Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA). Responsible for program planning and execution in distributed
warfighting simulation, a leading-edge activity designated "critical"
by the Department of Defense that makes intensive use of computing and
communications technologies, with budget of $40 million. Defined, justified,
organized, and led advanced technology program to enable distributed simulation
as a worldwide Department of Defense capability for readiness, systems
acquisition, analysis, and military operations. Personally
managed the development of the advanced multimedia worldwide data network and
distributed system protocols required for this capability, as well as the
Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol (ALSP) project that led to the DoD High
Level Architecture (HLA) for modeling and simulation. Retired with rank of
Lieutenant Colonel. Received Defense Superior Service Medal on retirement for
"achievements in computer systems, networking, and simulation."
Deputy Director, DARPA Information Science and Technology Office and Tactical
Technology Office. Responsible for administration in support of about twenty
technical professionals working at the cutting edge of information technology. Personally managed programs in high definition imaging
systems and advanced networking. Represented DARPA on the team that started the
Federal High Performance Computing and Communications
initiative. Responsible for transition of DARPA Internet program to private
sector commercialization. Elected Fellow of the IEEE for technical leadership
in computing systems and networking.
Program Manager for Advanced Computing and Networking, DARPA. Responsible for
parallel computing and advanced networking. Built DARPA program that became the
basis for much of the Federal High Performance
Computing initiative. Leader in creating the Federal Networking Council and in
developing plans for the National Research and Education Network that has today
grown in concept to become the National Information Infrastructure (NII).
Leader in founding the Committee for Coordination of Intercontinental Research
Networks (CCIRN) that developed what has become worldwide Internet
IEEE Congressional Fellow, U.S. Congressional Staff. Provided technical support
for the Computer Security Act and authorizing legislation for the National
Bureau of Standards, including pilot program enabling the flexible personnel
management of government scientists and engineers.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, U.S. Military
Academy, West Point, New York. Developed new course spearheading change to
curriculum. Performed research in parallel computing, including cooperative
program as part of the RP3 Project on-site at IBM T. J. Watson Laboratory,
Yorktown Heights, New York.
and distributed multimedia computing and their application to distributed education
and training; interoperation technology for web-based systems.
Pullen, J., B.
Wardman, and J. Ruth, “Experimental Evaluation of a Command and Control –
Simulation Interoperation Standard in a Coalition Environment,” International Command and Control Research and
Technology Symposium 2019, Baltimore, MD, November 2019
Pullen, J., D.
Corner, S. Singapogu, C. Blais, D. Reece, and J. Ruth, “Command and Control System to Simulation System Interoperation:
Development of the C2SIM Standard,” SISO
Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2019, Orlando, FL, February 2019
Pullen, J. and J.
Ruth, “Training
Operational Military Organizations in a Cyber-active Environment Using C2-Simulation
Interoperation,” International Command
and Control Research and Technology Symposium 2018, Pensacola, FL, November
Pullen, J., L.
Khimeche and K. Galvin, “C2SIM
in CWIX: Distributed Development and Testing for Multinational Interoperability,”
Modelling and Simulation Symposium 2018, Ottawa, Canada, October 2018
Pullen, J., “Teaching Network Protocol Concepts in an Open Source Simulation Environment,” ACM Innovative Technology in Computer Science Applications, Larnaca, Cyprus, July 2018
Pullen, J. and N. Clark, “A Distributed Development
Environment for a C2SIM System of Systems,” International
Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium 2017, Los Angeles, CA,
November 2017
Pullen J, L. Khimeche amd B. Patel, “C2-Simulation
Interoperability for Operational Hybrid Environments,” NATO Modelling and Simulation Symposium 2016, Bucharest, Romania,
October 2016
Singapogu, S., K. Gupton, U. Schade and J. Pullen, “The Role of Ontology
in C2SIM,” International Command and
Control Research and Technology Symposium 2016, London, UK, September 2016
D., N. Clark and J. Pullen, “Better Online Teaching Support Using Open-source
Web Applications,” ACM Innovative
Technology in Computer Science Applications, Arequipa, Peru, July 2016
Pullen, J. and O. Mevassvik, “Coalition Command and
Control – Simulation Interoperation as a System of Systems,” IEEE International Conference on System of
Systems Engineering, Kongsberg, Norway, June 2016
Pullen, J., “Enabling Military Coalition Command and
Control with Interoperating Simulations,” 5th
International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies
and Applications, Colmar, France, August 2015
Clark, N., J. Pullen and C. Bashioum, “An Experimental
Project Course to Prepare Students for Agile Web Application Development,” ACM SIGCSE Innovative Technology in Computer Science Education, Vilnius,
Lithuania, July 2015
Pullen, J., L. Khimeche, X. Cuneo, U. Schade and T.
Remmersmann, Linking
C2-Simulation Interoperation Servers to Form Distributed Server Systems,” International Command and Control Research
and Technology Symposium 2015, published online at https://dodccrp-testorg.squarespace.com/2015
Pullen, J. and N. Clark, “Enhancing a Synchronous
Online Education System for Cost Effective Delivery,” CSEIT 2014, Singapore
Pullen, J., D. Corner, R. Wittman,
A. Brook, P. Gustavsson, U. Schade and T. Remmersmann, “Multi-Schema and Multi-Server Advances
for C2-Simulation Interoperation
in MSG-085,” NATO Modeling and Simulation Symposium, Sydney Australia, October 2013
Pullen, J., D. Corner, P. Gustavsson, and M. Grönkvist, “Incorporating C2-‐Simulation Interoperability Services into an
Operational C2 System,” International
Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium 2013, Alexandria, VA
Pullen, J., D. Corner and R. Wittman, “Next Steps in MSDL
and C-BL Alignment for Convergence,” IEEE
Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL, 2013
Pullen, J., D. Corner, R. Wittman, A. Brook, O Mevassvik and
A. Alstad, Technical and Operational Issues in Combining MSDL and C-BML
Standards for C2-Simulation Interoperation in MSG-085, NATO Modeling and Simulation Group Annual Symposium, Stockholm,
Sweden, October 2012
Pullen, J., Pros and Cons for Teaching Courses in the
Classroom and Online Simultaneously, ACM SIGCSE Information Technology in Computer Science Education 2012, Haifa,
Israel, July 2012
Pullen, J., D. Corner, P. McAndrews and L. Niklas, Services
to Support Experimentation for Operational Use of Simulations in Coalition
Command and Control, International
Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Fairfax, VA, June
Heffner, K. and J. Pullen, Effective Simulation Support for
Operator Training in Unmanned Aircraft systems Development and Deployment, NATO Modeling and Simulation Group Annual
Symposium, Berne, Switzerland, October 2011
Abbott, J., J. Pullen and S. Levine, Answering the Question:
Why a BML Standard Has Taken So Long to be Established? IEEE Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL,
September 2011 (received best paper award)
Pullen, J., L. Nicklas, T. Crawford, L. Demasi, and S.
Levine, Investigating Contributions of the C2Core to Battle Management
Language, IEEE Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL,
September 2011
Ababneh, M. and J. Pullen, An Open Source Graphical User
Interface Surrogate C2 System for Battle Management Language Experimentation, International Command and Control Research
and Technology Symposium, Quebec, Canada, June 2011 (nominated for best
student paper)
Pullen, J., M. Ababneh, S. Singapogu, R. Brown and V. Dobbs,
A NATO OPORD Capability for BML, IEEE
Spring 2011 Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Boston, MA, April 2011
Heffner, K, J. Pullen and L. Khimeche, MSG-048 Technical
Activity Experimentation to Evaluate Applicability of a Coalition Battle
Management Language in NATO, NATO
Modeling and Simulation Group Annual Symposium, Utrecht, Netherlands, September
Pullen, J.M. et al., An Expanded C2-Simulation Experimental
Environment Based on BML, Proceedings of the IEEE Spring 2010 Simulation
Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL, April 2010
Pullen, J.M. and K. Heffner, Supporting Coalition Battle
Management Language Experiments with Scripted Web Services, NATO Modeling and Simulation Group Annual
Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, October 2009
Pullen, J.M., D. Corner and S. Singapogu, Scripted Battle
Management Language 2 Operation and Mapping Description Language, IEEE Fall 2009 Simulation Interoperability
Workshop, Orlando, FL, September 2009
Pullen, J.M., D. Corner, S. Singapogu and P. McAndrews,
Interpreted Web Services as a Tool for Development of Command and Control Interoperability
with Simulations, IEEE Distributed
Simulation and Real Time Applications Symposium, Singapore, October 2009
Pullen, J.M. and J. Chen, Distributed Application Launching
for High Quality Graphics in Synchronous Distance Education, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer
Science Education (SIGCSE) Bulletin, Vol 40 No. 3, pp 204-208, 2008
Pullen, J.M. and C. Snow, Integrating Synchronous and
Asynchronous Internet Distributed Education for Maximum Effectiveness, Educational and Information Technologies
(2007), pp 137-148, Springer, New York NY
Pullen, J., K. Makenini and P. McAndrews, A Grammar-Based
Web Service Enabling Multi-domain Distributed
Interoperation of Command/Control and Simulation Systems, IEEE Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications Symposium¸
Chania Greece, October 2007
Pullen, J., M. Hieb, L. Khimeche, M. Powers, and K. Galvin,
Evaluating the Proposed Coalition Battle Management Language Standard as a
Basis for Enhanced C2 to M&S Interoperability, NATO Modeling and Simulation Group Annual Symposium, Prague, Czech
Republic, October 2007, won best paper award
Hieb, M., M. Nielsen, K. Pedersen, M. Powers, J. Pullen and
D. Swann, A Standards-Based Framework for Integrating Command and Control
Systems, Geospatial Information Systems and Simulations: Generating Actionable
Geospatial Information, Proceedings of
the IEEE Euro-Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Genoa, Italy, June
2007, won best paper award
Snow, C., J.M. Pullen and P. McAndrews, An Open-Source
Web-Based System for Synchronous Distance Education, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol.48 No. 4, pp 705-712
Pullen, J., M. Hieb, W. Sudnikovich, and P. de Champs, An
International Experiment in Command and Control - Simulation Interoperability
Using Web Services, Proceedings of the IEEE Distributed Simulation and Real
Time Applications Symposium, pp 235-241, Torremolinos, Spain, October 2006
Pullen, J. and P. McAndrews, Low-Cost Internet Synchronous
Distance Education Using Open-Source Software, ASEE Computers in Education Journal, Vol 25 No 5, 2005
Pullen, J., R. Simon and P. McAndrews, An Online Graduate
Computer Science Program Delivered Via Simulteaching, Advanced Technology for Learning Vol 2 No 3 pp 148-155, 2005, ACTA
Press, Calgary AB
Pullen, J.M., and P. McAndrews, A Web Portal for Open-Source
Synchronous Distance Education, Advanced
Technology for Learning Vol 2 No 1 pp 9-15, 2005, ACTA Press, Calgary AB
Pullen, J.M., R. Brunton, D. Brutzman, David Drake, Michael
Hieb, K. Morse, and A. Tolk, Using Web Services to Integrate Heterogeneous
Simulations in a Grid Environment, Future
Generation Computer Systems Vol 21 No 1 pp 97-106, 2005, Elsevier
Sudnikovich, W., M. Kleiner, S. Carey, and J.M. Pullen,
Extensible Battle Management Language as a Transformation Enabler, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for
Modeling and Simulation International Vol 80 No 12 pp 669-680, special
issue on Military Simulation Systems and Command and Control Systems
Interoperability, December 2004
Moen, D., J.M. Pullen, and F. Zhao, Implementation of Host-based
Overlay Multicast to Support Web Based Services for RT-DVS, IEEE Distributed Simulation and Real Time
Applications Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, October 2004
Pullen, J., R. Brunton, D. Brutzman, David Drake, Michael
Hieb, K. Morse, and A. Tolk, Using Web Services to Integrate Heterogeneous
Simulations in a Grid Environment, International
Conference on Computational Science 2004, Krakow, Poland, June 2004
(invited paper)
Moen, D. and J.M. Pullen, Enabling Real-Time Distributed Virtual
Simulation over the Internet Using Host-based Overlay Multicast, Proceedings of
the IEEE Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications Workshop, Delft,
Netherlands, October 2003
Pullen, J.M., A Software System for Cost-Effective Internet
Delivery of Synchronous Distance Education, IASTED
International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education 2003,
IASTED, Calgary, AB, June 2003
Brutzman, D., K. Morse, J. M. Pullen and M. Zyda, Extensible
Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF): Challenges for Web-Based Modeling and
Simulation, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 2002
Pullen, J.M., "The Network Workbench and
Constructivism: Learning Protocols By
Programming," Computer Science
Education Vol 11 No 1 pp 1-14, September 2001
Pullen, J. M., "The Internet Lecture: Converging
Teaching and Technology," ACM Special Interest Group on Computer
Science Education (SIGCSE) Bulletin , September 2000
Pullen, J., "The Network Workbench: Network Simulation
Software for Academic Investigation of Internet Concepts," Computer
Networks Vol 32 No 3 pp 365-378, March 2000
Pullen, J.M. and M. Benson, "ClassWise:
Synchronous Internet Desktop Education," November 1999 special
multimedia issue of IEEE Transactions
on Education
Pullen, J.M., M. Myjak, and C. Bouwens, "Limitations of
Internet Protocol Suite for Distributed Simulation in the Large Multicast
Environment," Internet Engineering Task Force Informational RFC 2502,
Internet Society, 1999
Pullen, J.M., L. Lavu, R. Malghan, G. Duan, J. Ma and H. Nah "A Simulation Model for IP Multicast with
RSVP," Internet Engineering Task Force Informational RFC 2490,
Internet Society, 1999
Pullen, J.M. and H. Nah, "A Multi-User Virtual
Environment With Extensible User-Friendly Web-Based
Interfaces 1999 Western Simulation
Multi-Conference, Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, CA, January
Pullen, J., "Synchronous Distance Education and the
Internet", Internet Society Annual
Conference 1998, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998
Pullen, J.M., "Network Issues in Distributed
Simulation," Chapter 17 in Applied
Modeling and Simulation: An Integrated Approach to Development and Operation, D.
Cloud and L. Rainey, eds., McGraw-Hill, 1998
Bordeaux, A., D. Sprague, J. M. Pullen and D. Sterling,
"Taming the Electronic Frontier: A Distance Education Course for Defense
Dependents School Teachers," The Journal of Computing in Teacher
Education, Vol. 14 No. 3, Spring 1998
Pullen, J. and E. Norris, "Using A Multi-User Virtual
Environment As A Synchronous Teaching Tool," Western Simulation Multi-Conference, San
Diego, CA, January 1998
Pullen, J. and V. Laviano, "Adding Congestion Control
to the Selectively Reliable Transmission Protocol for Large Scale Distributed
Simulation", IEEE Fall Simulation
Interoperability Workshop, Orlando FL, September 1997
Pullen, J., M. Moreau and V, Laviano, "Creating A
Light-Weight RTI As an Evolution of Dual-Mode Multicast Using Selectively
Reliable Transmission" Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando FL,
September 1997
Pullen, J. Mark, "Synchronous Distance Education Via
the Internet", IEEE/ASEE Frontiers
in Education '96, Salt Lake City UT, November 1996
Pullen, J. Mark and David Wood. "Networking Technology
and DIS," Proceedings of the IEEE (Aug. 1995).
Pullen, J. Mark and Vincent Laviano. "A Selectively
Reliable Transport Protocol for Distributed Interactive Simulation,"
Distributed Interaction Simulation Workshop, Orlando, Florida, Sept. 1995.
Pullen, J. Mark and E. White. "Analysis of Dual-Mode
Multicast for Large-Scale DIS Exercises," IEEE Distributed Interactive Simulation Workshop, Orlando, Florida,
Sept. 1995.
Pullen, J. Mark. "Rapid System Virtual Prototyping and
the Information Superhighway," Johns Hopkins University/IEEE Computer
Society Advanced Technology Symposium, Baltimore, 1994.
Symington, Susan, J. Mark Pullen and David Wood.
"Modeling and Simulation Requirements for IPng," Internet
Engineering Task Force RFC 1667, Aug. 1994.
Hieb, M.R., G. Tecuci, J.M. Pullen and D. Hille.
"Building Adaptive Autonomous Agents for Adversarial Domains," AAAI
1994 Fall Symposium, New Orleans, 1994.
Pullen, J. Mark. "Networking for Distributed Virtual
Simulation," Joint European
Networking/ Internet Society Conference, Prague, 1994.
Pullen, J. Mark. "DSI Strategic Planning: Multicast
Protocol Selection," white paper for Defense Information Systems
Agency/Advanced Research Projects Agency panel on protocols for the Defense
Simulation Internet (DSI), Dec. 1993.
Pullen, J. Mark, Danny Cohen, and David Wood. "Emerging
Technologies: National/Defense Information Infrastructure and the Defense
Information Systems Network," IEEE
Military Communications Conference, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1993.
Pullen, J. Mark and J. N. Entzminger. "Applications of
Networking Technology in Computer-Assisted Exercises," IEEE Military Communications Conference,
McLean, Virginia, 1991.
Pullen, J. Mark. "The Federal High
Performance Computing Program," Executive Office of the President,
Office of Science and Technology Policy, Sept. 8, 1989 (member of primary
drafting team; primary drafter of chapter on the National Research and
Education Network).